Wednesday 6 April 2011

Marianne dies

Today will be the first day of our new format cardmaking club where we all take our own projects to work on. I'm looking forward to being part of it rather than being the one that produces everything for the others to do. After 5 plus years of producing 3 cards a week for them with only a couple of weeks off at Christmas and a couple of weeks holiday I am about out of ideas.  And when the cards had to last them for 3 hours it wasn't just a case of any 3 cards!  They had to be complex enough to keep them busy but not too hard for newcomers to have a crack at. It was a challenge!  Now it's time for me to take a back seat and enjoy the time myself!  Soooo I'm taking in the flowers to have a go at and enough for others to try if they want to. My super duper friend is going to show me how to make boxes by just folding... no glue. Watch this space!

I just love the Marianne Design dies. There is so much detail and delicacy about them. They can be a bit fiddly to remove the pieces but rubbing the die with a tumble drier cloth makes a world of difference. I'm also a big fan of the black and white look. This card needs some gems of some sort in the centre of the flowers and I'm leaning towards pearls rather than sparkly jewels.

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