Saturday 26 March 2011


Well, this afternoon we were hospital visiting again as my father in law is still there after almost 7 weeks. He is now in the rehabilitation unit after having had pneumonia twice and at 85 it has taken its toll. He is very frail now and not very mobile so we decided that the 4 walls of the hospital ward were just too much. So we bundled him into a wheelchair and wrapped him up and took him outside for a breath of fresh air. That perked him up and we then hit the little cafe and got him some chips to try and encourage him to eat more. He seemed a lot brighter when we had to take him back and so we have decided to take a little picnic tomorrow for him (and us!) Just hoping for good weather now and we can sit in the grounds with him.

With a nephew's birthday looming I decided this might be a good card to send him. I'm sure it will go down well ..... but probably not as well as the money included in the envelope!

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